SONG: Pointant Le Nord by Pierre Lapointe | ARTIST: Kyle Letendre

Kyle Letendre — My dad passed away in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, and the surrounding months are mostly a blur to me. That summer, I was on a choir trip to Canada when I blindly picked up a Pierre Lapointe album, thinking it might be cool to share with my French class. It turned out most of the songs were pretty raunchy, but "Pointant le Nord" sat apart as something sweet and reflective. It's stuck with me since, not as a eulogy for my dad, but as a reminder that I'll be okay.

Et si la terre tout entière se met à rire de nous
Nous leur lancerons des pierres, pour grafigner nos genoux
Mais non jamais, mais oui je sais que je ne parlerai pas
Bouche gelée jusqu'à ce que nos deux corps soient enterrés.

︎ Your pals, Seth & Titus | Permanent Records 2018 | Both Coasts, USA ︎