SONG: Dip by Tess & Dave | ARTIST: James Louis Walker

James Louis Walker — As a method of peaceful rest, I place myself into a physical space often involving water. I wanted to depict the peaceful transition from reality to dreamland in order to find peace and love.

When I sleep I’m lucky if I dream
When I dream I hope I find you in my dreams
Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum
Wash my face, comb my hair, smoke some grass, make a list, brush my teeth.
Take a piss, wash my hands, say “love you”, end my day.
Climb in bed, close my eyes, clear my mind, I think of you, start to drift…
Make a wish, fall asleep, take a dip in my dreams.
When I sleep I’m lucky if I dream
When I dream I hope I find you in my dreams

︎ Your pals, Seth & Titus | Permanent Records 2018 | Both Coasts, USA ︎